- प्रश्न 1 Mark the correct English translation from the choices given below, of the sentence in Hindi -
जब मैं वहां गया वह सो रही थी।
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) When I went there, She kept on sleeping.
- (ब) She slept while I went to her.
- (स) When I went there, she was sleeping.
- (द) She slept all the while, when I went there.
उत्तर : When I went there, she was sleeping.
- प्रश्न 2 Select the most apt translation of this sentence.
उसको यह कहने का अधिकार नहीं है।
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) He should not say this.
- (ब) He has no right to say this.
- (स) He did not have any right to say this.
- (द) He had no right to say this.
उत्तर : He has no right to say this.
- प्रश्न 3 Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following sentence from the given options -
She saw me in the library.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) वह मुझे पुस्कालय में दिखी।
- (ब) मै उसे पुस्तकालय में दिखी।
- (स) उसने मुझे पुस्तकालय में देखा था।
- (द) मेरे को पुस्तकालय में उसने देखा।
उत्तर : उसने मुझे पुस्तकालय में देखा था।
- प्रश्न 4 Choose the most appropriate translation of the given sentence into English -
अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता हमारा मूल अधिकार है।
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Freedom of speech is our original right.
- (ब) Independence of expression is our fundamental right.
- (स) freedom of expression is our fundamental right.
- (द) our fundamental right is freedom of speech.
उत्तर : freedom of expression is our fundamental right.
- प्रश्न 5 Choose the most appropriate translation of the given sentence into English:
हमने नाश्ता कर लिया है।
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) We are having our breakfast.
- (ब) We had our morning breakfast.
- (स) We have taken our breakfast.
- (द) We have already taken our breakfast.
उत्तर : We have taken our breakfast.
- प्रश्न 6 Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following sentence from the option given below:
They were in class.
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) वे कक्षों में थे।
- (ब) वे कक्षाओं में थे।
- (स) वह कक्ष में थे।
- (द) वे कक्षा में थे।
उत्तर : वे कक्षा में थे।
- प्रश्न 7 Choose the most appropriate translation of the given sentence into English:
वह इतना मोटा है कि चल नहीं सकता।
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) He is so fat that he cannot walk.
- (ब) He is too fat that he cannot walk.
- (स) He is so fat to walk.
- (द) He is so fat that cannot walk.
उत्तर : He is so fat that he cannot walk.
- प्रश्न 8 Which is the most correct Hindi translation of the given sentence ?
The corrected copy is put up for signature.
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) बदली हुई प्रति हस्ताक्षर के लिए पेश है।
- (ब) शोधित प्रति हस्ताक्षर के लिए प्रस्तुत हैं।
- (स) जांची हुई काॅपी हस्ताक्षर के लिए प्रस्तुत है।
- (द) संशोधित काॅपी हस्ताक्षर के लिए पेश है।
उत्तर : शोधित प्रति हस्ताक्षर के लिए प्रस्तुत हैं।
- प्रश्न 9 Choose the correct English translation of the following sentence from the given options :
सुबह से बारिश हो रही है।
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) It is raining all morning.
- (ब) It is raining since morning.
- (स) It has been raining from morning.
- (द) It has been raining since morning.
उत्तर : It has been raining since morning.
- प्रश्न 10 Which is the most correct translation of -
He had a narrow escape.
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) वह बच गया था।
- (ब) वह इतना सा बच गया।
- (स) वह बाल-बाल बच गया।
- (द) वह थोड़े से कोने से बच गया।
उत्तर : वह बाल-बाल बच गया।
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