- प्रश्न 3 The sky is full of clouds. it ........ to rain.
- (अ) was going
- (ब) is going
- (स) will go
- (द) had been going
उत्तर : is going
- प्रश्न 4 I wish i ...... (know)her name.
- (अ) known
- (ब) have known
- (स) knew
- (द) know
उत्तर : knew
- प्रश्न 5 After we .....(see) a movie, we returned home.
- (अ) have seen
- (ब) had seen
- (स) will see
- (द) saw
उत्तर : had seen
- प्रश्न 6 We ........ our project, now we can go for holiday.
- (अ) have finished
- (ब) was finishing
- (स) finish
- (द) will finished
उत्तर : have finished
- प्रश्न 7 Seema ........ twenty eight tomorrow.
- (अ) will be
- (ब) was
- (स) had been
- (द) is
उत्तर : will be
- प्रश्न 8 I ......... (work) on the project for 2 years.
- (अ) was working
- (ब) shall be work
- (स) work
- (द) have been working
उत्तर : have been working
- प्रश्न 9 Whats's that terrible noise ? the neighbours ....... a party.
- (अ) have been having
- (ब) was having
- (स) are having
- (द) had been having
उत्तर : are having
- प्रश्न 10 It if rains, they ...... wet.
- (अ) did got
- (ब) will get
- (स) have got
- (द) got
उत्तर : will get
- प्रश्न 11 Fill in the blank with the correct option:
Ram as well as his brothers .......... coming today.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) are
- (ब) were
- (स) is
- (द) have been
उत्तर : is
- प्रश्न 12 In the question below, a part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the correct alternative which may improve the sentence:
In spite of age he is my senior.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) He is my senior in regard.
- (ब) In spite of his age, he is my senior.
- (स) He is my senior, in keeping his age.
- (द) He is my senior, because of age.
उत्तर : In spite of his age, he is my senior.
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