One Word
- प्रश्न 3 A person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings.
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Astronomer
- (ब) Astrologer
- (स) Ambassador
- (द) Chauffeur
उत्तर : Astrologer
- प्रश्न 4 A remedy for all diseases.
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Panax
- (ब) Panacea
- (स) Palliative
- (द) Panache
उत्तर : Panacea
- प्रश्न 5 What does the word 'pre-war' means ?
RSMSSB LDC (16-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) before the war
- (ब) after the war
- (स) during the war
- (द) between the war
उत्तर : before the war
- प्रश्न 6 Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the given options:
His handwriting is not clear enough to be read.
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) illiterate
- (ब) illegible
- (स) infallible
- (द) legible
उत्तर : illegible
- प्रश्न 7 Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the options given below:
He is a child without parents.
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) fatherless
- (ब) motherless
- (स) an orphan
- (द) an infant
उत्तर : an orphan
- प्रश्न 8 Murder of one's child is .............
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) patricide
- (ब) pedophile
- (स) matricide
- (द) filicide
उत्तर : filicide
- प्रश्न 9 Choose the appropriate one word substitution.
One who copies from other writers.
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) plagiarist
- (ब) Antagonist
- (स) Contender
- (द) offender
उत्तर : plagiarist
- प्रश्न 10 Government run by people is called :
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Democracy
- (ब) Monarchy
- (स) Autocracy
- (द) Bureaucracy
उत्तर : Democracy
- प्रश्न 11 Something kept as a reminder of an event :
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Biography
- (ब) Award
- (स) Souvenir
- (द) Prize
उत्तर : Souvenir
- प्रश्न 12 Choose the correct one word substitution from the given options :
The study of plants
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Biology
- (ब) Zoology
- (स) Botany
- (द) Geology
उत्तर : Botany
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