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One Word

प्रश्न 41 Fill in the blank with the correct option:
A speech given without preparation is called….

VDO Exam 2nd Shift 28 Dec 2021
  • (अ) Extempore
  • (ब) Exhortation
  • (स) Rhetorical
  • (द) Urge
उत्तर : Extempore
प्रश्न 42 Match words in column I with their meanings in column II –
Column-I Column-II
(A) incongruous (i) recover quickly from difficult situation
(B) resilient (ii) one who knows everything
(C) obsolete (iii) that which is no longer in use
(D) omniscient (iv) strange and out of place

RSMSSB VDO Mains 2022
  • (अ) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv)
  • (ब) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(ii)
  • (स) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)
  • (द) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i)
उत्तर : a-(iv), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(ii)
प्रश्न 43 Find the appropriates one word substitute of the following -
One who pretends to be somebody else in order to trick other people

Head Master (SANSKRIT EDU. DEPT.) EXAM - 2021 (PAPER-II)
  • (अ) Excavator
  • (ब) Imposter
  • (स) Swindler
  • (द) Acrobat
उत्तर : Imposter
प्रश्न 44 Someone who offer himself to do something without being paid.
  • (अ) volunteer
  • (ब) leader
  • (स) preacher
  • (द) servant
उत्तर : volunteer
प्रश्न 45 A dishonest person who plays tricks on other called.
  • (अ) rogue
  • (ब) helper
  • (स) robber
  • (द) decoit
उत्तर : rogue
प्रश्न 46 Stories handed down from older time containing early beliefs of a race are called.
  • (अ) tales
  • (ब) myths
  • (स) hearsay
  • (द) false stories
उत्तर : myths
प्रश्न 47 Give one word substitute for
A large number of fish swimming together.

CET 2022 (Graduate) 07 January 2023 Shift-1
  • (अ) troupe
  • (ब) litter
  • (स) swarm
  • (द) shoal
उत्तर : shoal
प्रश्न 48 Give one word substitute for –
‘Bare minimum needed for survival’

CET 2022 (Graduate) 07 January 2023 Shift-2
  • (अ) supplement
  • (ब) subsistence
  • (स) sustainable
  • (द) sustenance
उत्तर : subsistence
प्रश्न 49 Give one word substitute for – ‘Free from disturbance’.
CET 2022 (Graduate) 08 January 2023 Shift-2
  • (अ) Tranquil
  • (ब) Agitated
  • (स) Chaotic
  • (द) Violent
उत्तर : Tranquil
प्रश्न 50 Choose the correct one-word substitution for the given phrase:
A person who thinks of only himself.

3rd Grade Teacher 2022 English L2
  • (अ) Boaster
  • (ब) Egoist
  • (स) Proud
  • (द) Eccentric
उत्तर : Egoist

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