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प्रश्न 43 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
Benazir was _______ (assassinate) on December 27, 2007, in Rawalpindi by the Islamic terrorists, when she was _______ (address) one of the election meetings. Her death _______ (postpone) the elections; the Pakistan People’s Party _______ (triumph) at the polls thereby shattering the dream of Nawaz Sharief to _______ (occupy) power.
  • (अ) assassinate, addressed, postpone, triumphs, occupying.
  • (ब) assassinating, address, postpones, triumphing, occupies.
  • (स) assassinated, addressing, postponed, triumphed, occupy.
  • (द) assassinates, addresses, postponed, triumph, occupied.
उत्तर : assassinated, addressing, postponed, triumphed, occupy.
प्रश्न 44 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
A student did not _______ (spell) the word Liaison correctly! The spelling was _______ (confuse) to him though he knew how to pronounce it. He _______ (write) Laison! As a result, the only option the teacher felt to correct him was to _______ (ask) him to write the word correctly 100 times! This is _______ (call) Imposition in die teachers’ jargon!
  • (अ) spelt, confused, wrote, asking, calling.
  • (ब) spelling, confuse, writing, asked, called.
  • (स) spelt, confusing, writing, asking, calling.
  • (द) spell, confusing, wrote, ask, called.
उत्तर : spell, confusing, wrote, ask, called.
प्रश्न 45 Fill in the blanks using the correct tense (of the verb)
As soon as the teacher ________ (enter) the class, she _______ (start) teaching the new chapter. She did not ________ (realise) that a few students ______ (miss) from the class.
  • (अ) Entered, started, realise, were missing
  • (ब) Enters, starts, realised, were missing
  • (स) Entered, started, realise, was missing
  • (द) Enters, start, realised, were missing
उत्तर : Entered, started, realise, were missing
प्रश्न 46 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
My grandpa was _______ (suffer) from acute pain in the heart. Within minutes the ambulance _______ (arrive) and it _______ (take) my grandpa to the MR. He was _______ (take) to the intensive-care unit where patients in the danger zone are _______ (admitted).
  • (अ) suffer, arrives, taken, took, admitting.
  • (ब) suffered, arriving, takes, took, admitting.
  • (स) suffering, arrive, take, taking, admitted.
  • (द) suffering, arrived, took, taken, admitted.
उत्तर : suffering, arrived, took, taken, admitted.
प्रश्न 47 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
The climate is commonly _______ (consider) to _______ (be) the weather _______ (average) over a long period of time, typically 30 years. Earth’s climate is changing and this is _______ (cause) great concern. The changes in the atmosphere have _______ (become) one of the serious threats that the world faces today.
  • (अ) considered, be, averaged, causing, become.
  • (ब) considering, being, averages, cause, became.
  • (स) considers, be, averaged, causes, become.
  • (द) consider, being, average, causing, became.
उत्तर : considered, be, averaged, causing, become.
प्रश्न 48 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
Nothing can _______ (dampen) the excited anticipation of _______ (camp) more than a dark, rainy day. Even the most adventurous campers can _______ (lose) some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the skies _______ (is) dreary and damp. After _______ (reach) their destination, campers must then “set up camp” in the downpour.
  • (अ) dampened, camp, lost, are, reached
  • (ब) dampen, camping, lose, are, reaching
  • (स) dampening, camped, loses, is, reaches
  • (द) dampens, camps, losing, is, reaching
उत्तर : dampen, camping, lose, are, reaching
प्रश्न 49 Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verb:
Since 2016, a food insecurity crisis has been ongoing in Yemen which _______ (start) during the Yemeni Civil War. The UN _______ (estimate) that the war _______ (cause) an _______ (estimate) 130,000 deaths from indirect causes which _______ (include) lack of food, health services, and infrastructure.
  • (अ) starts, estimates, causes, estimated, included.
  • (ब) starting, estimate, cause, estimated, including.
  • (स) started, estimates, caused, estimated, include.
  • (द) started, estimating, causing, estimated, includes
उत्तर : started, estimates, caused, estimated, include.
प्रश्न 50 Fill in the blank using the appropriate option: Prakash _______ tennis for an hour when the news of his selection came in.
Rajasthan High Court LDC 2020
  • (अ) had play
  • (ब) had been playing
  • (स) had played
  • (द) had been played
उत्तर : had been playing
प्रश्न 51 Fill in the blank with the correct option:
Neither of the two books ____ found useful.

Rajasthan High Court LDC 2020
  • (अ) were
  • (ब) has
  • (स) was
  • (द) did
उत्तर : was
प्रश्न 52 Select the best option to fill in the blank.
The letter _____ have arrived by now.

Rajasthan High Court LDC 2020
  • (अ) could
  • (ब) would
  • (स) should
  • (द) will
उत्तर : should

page no.(6/14)


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