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One Word

प्रश्न 61 Choose the word which means the following:
A remedy for all diseases.

High Court LDC 2022 (19 March 2023)
  • (अ) Insolvent
  • (ब) Cure
  • (स) Panacea
  • (द) Physiology.
उत्तर : Panacea
प्रश्न 62 Choose the word which means the following:
One who comes as a settler into a foreign country.

High Court LDC 2022 (19 March 2023)
  • (अ) Immigrant
  • (ब) Emigrant
  • (स) Both (1) & (2)
  • (द) None of the above
उत्तर : Immigrant
प्रश्न 63 Choose from the options given below one word for –
someone who walks in sleep:

CET 2022 (12th Level) 04 February 2023 Shift-1
  • (अ) Termagant
  • (ब) Philogynist
  • (स) Somnambulist
  • (द) Recluse
उत्तर : Somnambulist
प्रश्न 64 Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the given sentence:
The period of life in which a person is old and weak

CET 2022 (12th Level) 04 February 2023 Shift-2
  • (अ) Dotage
  • (ब) Impecility
  • (स) Senility
  • (द) Superannuation
उत्तर : Dotage
प्रश्न 65 Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the options given below :
She teaches the science of the life of plants.

CET 2022 (12th Level) 05 February 2023 Shift-1
  • (अ) zoology
  • (ब) biology
  • (स) pathology
  • (द) botany
उत्तर : botany
प्रश्न 66 Choose the appropriate one-word substitution :
One who plans and draws the design of buildings and superintends their construction.

CET 2022 (12th Level)05 February 2023 Shift-2
  • (अ) Compositor
  • (ब) Designer
  • (स) Draughtsman
  • (द) Architect
उत्तर : Architect
प्रश्न 67 Which of the following phrases is a substitute for the word ‘Beaver’?
CET 2022 (12th Level) 11 February 2023 Shift-1
  • (अ) An animal that lives in water and land
  • (ब) A person who brews liquor illegally
  • (स) To tear up and damage a living body
  • (द) Public merry making and procession
उत्तर : An animal that lives in water and land
प्रश्न 68 Choose the correct one word substitution from the given options :
A person who is uncivilized.

CET 2022 (12th Level) 11 February 2023 Shift-2
  • (अ) Barbarian
  • (ब) Barbican
  • (स) Barber
  • (द) Barbadian
उत्तर : Barbarian
प्रश्न 69 Substitute one word for “uncontrollable urge to steal.”
Jr. Acctt/TRA Re-Exam 2013 (Paper-1)
  • (अ) Pyromania
  • (ब) Cheating
  • (स) Kleptomania
  • (द) Robbing
उत्तर : Kleptomania
प्रश्न 70 Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
That which cannot be corrected.

Supervisor(Women)(Anganwari Quota) Exam 2018
  • (अ) Unintelligible
  • (ब) Illegible
  • (स) Incorrigible
  • (द) Indelible
उत्तर : Incorrigible

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