One Word
- प्रश्न 9 Choose the appropriate one word substitution.
One who copies from other writers.
RSMSSB LDC (12-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) plagiarist
- (ब) Antagonist
- (स) Contender
- (द) offender
उत्तर : plagiarist
- प्रश्न 10 Government run by people is called :
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Democracy
- (ब) Monarchy
- (स) Autocracy
- (द) Bureaucracy
उत्तर : Democracy
- प्रश्न 11 Something kept as a reminder of an event :
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Biography
- (ब) Award
- (स) Souvenir
- (द) Prize
उत्तर : Souvenir
- प्रश्न 12 Choose the correct one word substitution from the given options :
The study of plants
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Biology
- (ब) Zoology
- (स) Botany
- (द) Geology
उत्तर : Botany
- प्रश्न 13 Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the given word/ sentence :
Murder of a king
RSMSSB LDC (19-08-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Regicide
- (ब) Matricide
- (स) Parricide
- (द) Uxoricide
उत्तर : Regicide
- प्रश्न 14 Which one of the following is the correct meaning of -
That which cannot be heard.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Indelible
- (ब) Invincible
- (स) Inaccessible
- (द) Inaudible
उत्तर : Inaudible
- प्रश्न 15 Which one of the following is the correct meaning of -
Killing of self.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) murder
- (ब) killer
- (स) self-killer
- (द) suicide
उत्तर : suicide
- प्रश्न 16 Which one of the following is the correct meaning of -
The study of human behaviour and societies:
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) archaeology
- (ब) anthropology
- (स) history
- (द) public administration
उत्तर : anthropology
- प्रश्न 17 Replace the underlined part of the sentence with one word from the options given below:
John is a person who collects stamps.
RSMSSB LDC (09-09-18) Paper-2 -
- (अ) Numismat
- (ब) Philatelist
- (स) Bibliophile
- (द) Archaelogist
उत्तर : Philatelist
- प्रश्न 18 Choose the appropriate antonym of the given word.
Tax Assitant Exam 2018(P1) -
- (अ) Divine
- (ब) Immortal
- (स) Spiritual
- (द) Eternal
उत्तर : Immortal
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