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प्रश्न 11   Fill in the blank with the correct option:
Ram as well as his brothers .......... coming today.

 (अ) are
 (ब) were
 (स) is
 (द) have been

उत्तर : is

प्रश्न 12   In the question below, a part of the sentence is underlined. Choose the correct alternative which may improve the sentence:
In spite of age he is my senior.

 (अ) He is my senior in regard.
 (ब) In spite of his age, he is my senior.
 (स) He is my senior, in keeping his age.
 (द) He is my senior, because of age.

उत्तर : In spite of his age, he is my senior.

प्रश्न 13   Choose the correct option for the underlined part of the sentence:
We have had his speech yesterday.

 (अ) were having
 (ब) had
 (स) had have
 (द) will have had

उत्तर : had

प्रश्न 14   Choose the correct option and fill in blank -
John as well as tom ........... waiting for you.

 (अ) is
 (ब) were
 (स) have been
 (द) are

उत्तर : is

प्रश्न 15   Choose the correct tense of the verb from the given options.
Sita told them that they ........... wrong.

 (अ) are
 (ब) will be
 (स) were
 (द) can

उत्तर : were

प्रश्न 16   Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb.
Raman saw that the clock ............ .

 (अ) stop
 (ब) will stop
 (स) have been stopped
 (द) had stopped

उत्तर : had stopped

प्रश्न 17   Choose the correct tense form of the verb given in bracket from the option given below to fill in the blank -
It is time you .........(stop) playing.

 (अ) stop
 (ब) have stopped
 (स) stopping
 (द) stopped

उत्तर : stopped

प्रश्न 18   Use the correct word in the following -
Before the bell rang, the class was ........... to go home.

 (अ) ready
 (ब) all ready
 (स) was already
 (द) were all ready

उत्तर : ready

प्रश्न 19   Use the correct word in the following -
Not everybody shares my ...........

 (अ) principals
 (ब) principalities
 (स) principles
 (द) personalities

उत्तर : principles

प्रश्न 20   Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the options given below -
They are ............ in the hall for the class.

 (अ) altogether
 (ब) at together
 (स) all together
 (द) all to gather

उत्तर : all together

page no.(2/10)


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