Give Synonyms for the following
- प्रश्न 23 Zenith
Stenographer Pre Exam (21 March 2021) (Paper II) -
- (अ) Erase
- (ब) Parade
- (स) Loose
- (द) Peak
उत्तर : Peak
- प्रश्न 24 Voracious
Stenographer Pre Exam (21 March 2021) (Paper II) -
- (अ) Tenacious
- (ब) Spacious
- (स) Truthful
- (द) Ravenous
उत्तर : Ravenous
- प्रश्न 25 Abortive
Stenographer Pre Exam (21 March 2021) (Paper II) -
- (अ) Fruitful
- (ब) Familiar
- (स) Unsuccessful
- (द) Consuming
उत्तर : Unsuccessful
- प्रश्न 26 Tenacious
Stenographer Pre Exam (21 March 2021) (Paper II) -
- (अ) persistent
- (ब) collecting
- (स) fast running
- (द) intentional
उत्तर : persistent
- प्रश्न 27 Bitch is a _____ .
Stenographer Comp. Exam - 2011 (Paper II) -
- (अ) wolf
- (ब) woman
- (स) witch
- (द) female dog
उत्तर : female dog
- प्रश्न 28 Parent means ______ .
Stenographer Comp. Exam - 2011 (Paper II) -
- (अ) guardian.
- (ब) conductor
- (स) father or mother
- (द) guide
उत्तर : father or mother
- प्रश्न 29 Anger means
Stenographer Comp. Exam - 2011 (Paper II) -
- (अ) wrath
- (ब) torture
- (स) tease
- (द) trouble
उत्तर : wrath
- प्रश्न 30 ‘The most suitable set of Synonyms of the word “generous” is
Gram Sevak 2016 -
- (अ) thankful, grateful, indebted
- (ब) liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
- (स) gentle, humble, tender
- (द) stately, dignified, exalted
उत्तर : liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
- प्रश्न 31 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
- (अ) general
- (ब) sectional
- (स) partial
- (द) individual
उत्तर : general
- प्रश्न 32 The most suitable set of synonyms for the word 'thrifty' is:
- (अ) Modest, generous, haughty
- (ब) Frugal, economical, miserly
- (स) Extravagant, profligate, lavish
- (द) Vigilant, careful, wary
उत्तर : Frugal, economical, miserly
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