- प्रश्न 1 Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
He tried to alleviate the suffering of his neighbours.
CET 2024 (12th Level) 24 October Shift-II -
- (अ) distribute
- (ब) remove
- (स) aggravate
- (द) abate
उत्तर : abate
- प्रश्न 2 Choose the word most similar in meaning to - ZEAL
CET 2024 (12th Level) 24 October Shift-II -
- (अ) fervour
- (ब) reluctant
- (स) liberal
- (द) apathy
उत्तर : fervour
- प्रश्न 3 Choose the word most similar in meaning to :
CET 2024 (12th Level) 24 October Shift-I -
- (अ) Appease
- (ब) Prolong
- (स) Prohibit
- (द) Permit
उत्तर : Prohibit
- प्रश्न 4 Choose a word nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
The convict’s ingenuous explanation brought tears in everyone’s cye.
CET 2024 (12th Level) 24 October Shift-I -
- (अ) naive
- (ब) clever
- (स) insincere
- (द) secret
उत्तर : naive
- प्रश्न 5 Choose the most appropriate word similar in meaning to NONCHALANT
CET 2024 (12th Level) 23 October Shift-II -
- (अ) insurrection
- (ब) intimidating
- (स) indifferent
- (द) insubstantial
उत्तर : indifferent
- प्रश्न 6 Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word from the given options:
During the course of the interview, she refused to answer the question that infringed on her personal life.
CET 2024 (12th Level) 23 October Shift-II -
- (अ) irlfused
- (ब) Invaded
- (स) ingrained
- (द) ingested
उत्तर : Invaded
- प्रश्न 7 Choose the word most similar in meaning to SPURIOUS from the options given:
CET 2024 (12th Level) 23 October Shift-I -
- (अ) soiled
- (ब) incessant
- (स) unauthentic
- (द) considerate
उत्तर : unauthentic
- प्रश्न 8 Choose the word most similar in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence:
The acerbic remarks of the boss were unwarranted as she had put in a lot of effort in preparing the presentation.
CET 2024 (12th Level) 23 October Shift-I -
- (अ) whimsical
- (ब) bitter
- (स) appreciative
- (द) childish
उत्तर : bitter
- प्रश्न 9 Choose the word similar in meaning to- TENACIOUS
CET 2024 (12th Level) 22 October Shift-II -
- (अ) resolute
- (ब) malign
- (स) timid
- (द) modest
उत्तर : resolute
- प्रश्न 10 Choose the word similar in meaning to the underlined word:
It is exasperating to listen to the suggestions of my neighbour about international affairs of which he knows nothing.
CET 2024 (12th Level) 22 October Shift-II -
- (अ) boring
- (ब) frustrating
- (स) disappointing
- (द) amusing
उत्तर : frustrating
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