- प्रश्न 1 A written document inviting potential and qualified suppliers of goods and services on certain conditions pertaining to price, period, quality, delivery etc. is a
Jr. Acctt/TRA Re-Exam 2013 (Paper-1) -
- (अ) Circular
- (ब) Notice
- (स) Demi-Official letter
- (द) Tender
उत्तर : Tender
- प्रश्न 2 Which of the following is Not a part of notice ?
Jr. Acctt/TRA Re-Exam 2013 (Paper-1) -
- (अ) Salutation
- (ब) Heading
- (स) Date and Time
- (द) Contact person/address
उत्तर : Salutation
- प्रश्न 3 Which of the following is not a feature of a notice ?
CET 2022 (12th Level) 11 February 2023 Shift-2 -
- (अ) Agenda
- (ब) Minutes
- (स) Signature by authority
- (द) Time date and place
उत्तर : Minutes
- प्रश्न 4 Choose the correct option:
A tender is a written information/invitation:
CET 2022 (12th Level)05 February 2023 Shift-2 -
- (अ) sent to private institutions only
- (ब) sent to potential suppliers of goods & services
- (स) sent to buyers for goods & services
- (द) sent for govt. institutions only
उत्तर : sent to potential suppliers of goods & services
- प्रश्न 5 Choose the correct option.
Tenders should be written in a language that is –
CET 2022 (12th Level) 04 February 2023 Shift-2 -
- (अ) roundabout a lengthy
- (ब) informal
- (स) stylish
- (द) brief and to the point
उत्तर : brief and to the point
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